“Your Healthy, Helpful, and Heavenly Sweet Addiction!”

Did you know that when you buy a box of LIBERATES, go home, grab your favorite hot drink, and bite down on its surprisingly sweet, chewy, and decadent goodness, you are turning the noun LIBERATES into an action verb?

How, you may ask?! Well, this is the extremely sweet part! 😊

Each dark chocolate covered nut-filled date liberates someone from the horrific chocolate slave trade, from low-quality & poor local work environments, and from harmful dependence on unhealthy sugary treats.

Let’s break it down further. Oh, and feel free to take a moment to grab another LIBERATES and “in a minute, you are going to hear the rest of the story”.

What are Liberates?

LIBERATES are organic Medjool dates stuffed with organic and unsalted nuts, including pecans, pistachios, walnuts, almonds, or cashews, and covered with either 70% or 100% Fairtrade dark chocolate. Finally, they are topped with either organic dried orange zest, lavender, pistachio dust, sea salt, or coconut shreds.

The final result.

Sweet, chewy, and slightly crunchy bliss. See for yourself!

Three Liberated Ingredients

– Dates –

Our choice of organic Medjool dates were carefully selected for their caramel sweetness and soft, chewy character. We have discovered that non-pitted dates offer the most luscious texture and flavor. Thus, our Medjool dates are carefully pitted by hand in preparation for our assortment of deluxe nuts.

– Nuts-

Organic. Unsalted. Raw.
Pure. Enjoy the perfect crunch and flavor that our high quality, deluxe assortment of nuts provides with each bite of Liberates. Thoughtfully hand stuffed inside each Medjool date, our deluxe nuts await as the savory treasure hidden within each delightful taste.

– Chocolate –

After searching far and wide, our delectable dark chocolate was chosen for its ethical sourcing and its high quality, organic, smooth, and deliciously rich flavor. Once carefully tempered, our dark chocolate encases each Liberates for a satisfying snap into soft, chewy, and crunchy bliss.

Liberates Empower You and Others by The Following Sweet Actions

Fight Against Child & Adult Human Slavery

Chocolate is one of the most exploited products in the food industry. Children, even as young as 5, teenagers, and adults are forced to work on the cocoa farms with little to no pay under dangerous working requirements and with unbearable living conditions.

Many children and teenagers suffer painful and permanent injuries when they are forced to use machetes to cut up the cocoa pods.

Liberate’s Commitment:

  • We use only Fairtrade chocolate and continually seek for better and purer supplier options as we grow and make more connections.
  • Contribute any surplus profits we make—after paying for our supplies and paying our employees—to a human rights organization, like Love Justice, that fights against human trafficking.

Employs High School Students from Tidings of Peace Christian School

Good paying jobs with a positive and collaborative work environment for maturing teens are scarce these days. Liberates empowers budding adults with skills of the following:

  • Handcrafting quality treats
  • Product marketing
  • Business management
  • Dedication to excellency

Empowers You to Enjoy a Delicious Treat with Zero Negative Side Effects

Our dark chocolate nut-filled dates are full of antioxidants, fiber, flavonoids, and healthy sugars. The delightful combo of dark chocolate, dates, and nuts can affect you in the following ways:

  • Improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces heart disease risk
  • Lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises good cholesterol (HDL)
  • Compatible with diabetic diet *

* This is especially true if you eat a LIBERATES covered in 100% dark chocolate

All Locations Selling LIBERATES! Stop by either Harvest Lane Farm in Lititz, Apple Valley Creamery in East Berlin, TOP in York, or Lemon Street Market in Lancaster City, , and get your very own box of LIBERATES!

Stay tuned for exciting updates and eventual online store where you can custom build your own box of LIBERATES!

Review Your Experience of Liberates!

Powerful Purpose – Purposeful People

The vision of these young people and their efforts truly encourages me. Upon seeing this business explained/pitched, I went home and threw away my Hershey bars. Their vision to quench trafficking is a contagious one. I’m glad to join it and they’re doing a good job.

Keeshon Washington

A special treat!

4 of us shared the variety box. Each date was large and soft yielding a sweet background for the nut and dark chocolate. It is good to get a treat that doesn’t exploit others. Comments: “yummy” “wonderful”

Sue Weaver


It is so refreshing to see youth with vision and passion. I believe in my children and their generation. They may not use punctuation or spell correctly, but they have something we do not have and we have something they want – believe in them! #Trust

Lyndon Risser

Have your cake and eat it too!

Tastes great and they good for you as well. I also like buying things that help a greater cause, too.

Todd Weiner

I’m a healthy Chocolates Fan

I love Dark Chocolate ,so when I have the privilege of Dark Chocolate , healthy , and supporting a Good Trade and Local business , Well ,I was not disappointed….my last box was on my desk and after each hard day of school I treated myself with a rich delightful Liberate treat! So worth it!

Marlea Kauffman

The vision and passion fueling

The vision and passion fueling redemptive sweets is truly amazing. However; without a great product to back it up, it would be of little value. These chocolate covered, nut filled dates are fantastic and delightful. They always disappear much too quickly!

Curtis & Kelly Kauffman


Thank you for the delightful and healthy sweet option! I love what you are doing and ask God to bless your work.

Dawn Weaver

Delicious! My friend gifted me

Delicious! My friend gifted me a box and I couldn’t believe how wonderful all the nut and chocolate combinations tasted. I enjoyed them so much I ordered some myself to gift for Valentine’s Day. Normally I don’t do anything for this holiday, but who can pass up healthy chocolate!? And I love the vision and


A wholesome, delightful treat

Each Liberate delights the taste buds with its perfect balance of sweet and nutty encased in rich, chocolatey goodness! Wholesome ingredients that can be enjoyed guilt-free, while also knowing that your enjoyment is benefitting others.

D Pawling

Delightfully Different + Refreshingly Visionary

These amazing little nuggets are decidedly my favorite chocolate creation and pair well with one’s favorite latte or hot tea brew. The vision + potential behind this product is also beautiful + inspiring. Savor a delectable bite and fuel another step towards freedom.


Is there a 10 star rating?!?

A wonderful treat and fantastic mission! Thanks to Rebekah and Trevor for a tasty sample – we are now committed customers.

Camden Markoff Towne

Great for celebrations

I served these at a family Christmas dinner and everyone loved them. The combination of dates, nuts, and chocolate is excellent and it’s fun to try the different fillings. Thank you for creating these.


One of the best chocolates I’ve ever eaten

Who would have thought I’d have one of the best chocolates ever in Lancaster PA? I’m a bit of a connoisseur and try to find the best chocolates in every place I visit from LA to NYC. I can say without a doubt you won’t regret trying some Liberates chocolate!


🙏🏼 Thank You

Thank you for your dedication to providing a special treat that also helps combat the unthinkable exploitation of children. They are truly a gift.

Frank Veri